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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Our Last Day in Uganda

From Sunday, November 29, 2009

(Picture sent via iPhone is from the plane on the way home….see the sunset and the coast of Greenland!)

Today is our last blog entry, and a short one.

We have spent the day packing and getting ready for the 29 hours of travel ahead of us. But since we didn’t leave until 11:00 pm, we made sure the day was productive and we met with UNANM for a few hours putting together the final pieces of our strategy and defining our goals and objectives. It was a particularly engaging meeting as now after all this time, we have some clear direction and aspirations.

I am very excited about our plans and I look forward to coming back in March to make the next crucial steps.

It has been a pleasure sharing this experience with you all and thank you for your interest in our work.

“Kwaheri” from Uganda!

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