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Monday, November 25, 2013

Girl Power!

Today was the first day of a long three-day road trip.  Today’s destination was a town called Hoima where we toured a hostel for young girls ages 14-16.  These girls are primarily from Northern Uganda, Sudan, and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

We traveled here because we wanted to determine if this organization might be a potential candidate pool for future Gretta Scholars.  We are interested in getting to know our scholars earlier on and follow their progress through secondary school.

We met 30 beautiful, bright girls.  All have different stories and backgrounds but all are here to live in an environment that supports their education and a future beyond early marriage and motherhood.

We were entertained by a wonderful performance with song and dance; songs filled with hope.  Next was a little like career day. We sat with the girls and introduced our work and why we love nurses.  We told them what marks they would need in subjects like physics, math, biology and chemistry in order to get into nursing school.  Then we had a Q&A and the girls asked so many intelligent questions.  One had asked, “What is worse, low blood pressure or high blood pressure?”  A Gretta Scholar in the making if you ask me.

Regrettably, many aren’t close to having the marks needed, but, we hope that we planted a seed that if they worked hard over the next two years and get better marks, that they have a chance for a bright future in nursing.  We only hope that a few of those seeds will be cultivated.  We’ll be watching them.

Next we did what I love best, taking pictures of little ones along the street, and then showing them their images.  They are often shy at first, but when the first child lights up with laughter at the sight of their face in a little black box, the rest come running.  It is like witnessing joy at its purest.

Tomorrow we get up early for our long trip to Lira…so off to bed, after a nice cold Bell Beer of course. (MS)

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