Today we got to see the fruit of everyone’s efforts; we got to meet with five of our TGF scholars. Two of the girls are in their second year of nursing school and three are in their first. It was such a pleasure for me to meet the young ladies whose pictures I have seen and whose heartfelt emails I have read. First I want to convey to all of you the thanks from each one of the girls. The opportunity that all of you have given them is an enormous honor and blessing that they don’t take lightly. These young ladies have faced incredible odds to make it as far as they did in their education and none of them would have had this opportunity without you.
I also got to meet the wonderful ladies at their school who watch over them both in a professional and personal capacity. These ladies are part of our TGF volunteer family and have become a second family also to these girls.
This was my first opportunity to venture beyond the hotel and ministry meetings so it was a real treat to see “the real Kampala”. Just driving to the school was a an adventure as our driver deftly maneuvered around trucks crammed with livestock, boda bodas (motorcycle taxis), ladies in traditional Ugandan dress carrying loads on their heads and babies on their backs. After meeting with the scholars at their university, we all walked through the clay streets to a nearby restaurant for dinner. I was so busy speaking with the girls and maneuvering around ruts and debris in the road that I hadn’t noticed the young children waving and speaking to us. The girls explained that they were calling out to us using a term that translated means “precious vessel” or honored person.
At the end of the evening we all squeezed into a van to drop the girls off. You should have seen the worried look on one of the girls’ faces when she thought we were going to go inside and see her room. Just goes to show you that teenagers are the same the world over!
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